Christian Colón, 2015 MLB World Series Champion. Finding baseball at a young age and deciding to make the pursuit of becoming a professional athlete comes with sacrifices the average person doesn't endure. Christian dives into the moments of reflection where he explains his experience in being so heavily focused on baseball, that it made it difficult to be present or focus on other aspects of life. Christian gives advice on how to navigate life as an upcoming player giving examples and analogies from his own experiences. He has the gift to be able to relate to players of all levels, giving them perspective on how to get through tough moments on and off the field. Player Bio: Christian Colón is a Puerto Rican former professional baseball infielder. Played in MLB for the Kansas City Royals, Miami Marlins, and Cincinnati Reds. Colón was an All-American shortstop. He was then selected with the fourth overall pick of the 2010 MLB Draft by the Kansas City Royals. Serving as a utility player during the 2015 season. He entered Game 5 of the 2015 World Series (his first appearance in the playoffs) in the top of the 12th as a pinch hitter. After not making a plate appearance for four weeks, he hit a single to score Jarrod Dyson for the winning run to clinch the World Series, marking the first time in history that a player in his first at bat in a World Series delivered the Series-winning run.
My name is Edmond Americann, I am Tater
I am Christian Sepulveda, and I am Tater
I am Onyx Vega, and I'm Tater
Miah: What's up Tater fam? Welcome back to the We Are Tater podcast. This is episode five. This is the first one that we're bringing in one of our best friends, one of our good friends, C.C., Christian Colon. We're your hosts Freddie and Jeremiah and I'll do a little brief info about C.C. We met C.C. about 2017. If you guys listen to the second episode, we talked about him a little bit. C.C. went to Cal State Fullerton, got drafted out of there out of there, and was a big reason why the Royals won in 2015. I'll let Freddie take it over from here and we'll get this going.
Freddie: Yeah C.C. has definitely been a big part of the company. He's helped us pretty much every step of the way whether it's product development, product testing, outreach with new players, coaches, so on and so forth and we really appreciate him and we're happy to have him on this call. Without further ado, C.C. is here and, you know, is there anything you want to say to the Tater Community?
Christian Colon (from here on out C.C.): Man, hey I'm excited about this one bro. I'm excited about this one because you guys are like family to me. You guys have been always consistent, you know, always truthful, always honest. You know, it wasn't always about the product as much as it was about a relationship and the people. And bro, I'm beyond thankful that I get to do this opportunity to just talk to you guys man. Like, you know, I'm just excited to be here so thank you man. This means a lot and shout out to all the fans, Tater fans. Shout out to every kid out there just trying to grind and get some good gear and just look swaggy. Hopefully man like we're gonna continue to, you know, help you just develop your game in so many different areas you know. But I believe you know, all of us believe in the swag being, it's got to be there. It's got to be. And that's what my boys do right here so man it's uh, it's a blessing to be able to work with you guys, from a long long time ago. From that day in Pittsburgh, you know, you guys came in man, made me feel comfortable and I got to give it to you guys man. You guys have worked hard and it's fun man. This is fun to be here. Whatever you guys got for me man, let's just dive into it. Yeah let's go.
Freddie: Like you said man, like the day in Pittsburgh we hit it off like we were friends from the jump. Something that I know we've talked about a little bit but I think a lot of people need to to learn about it is, you know, everybody goes through phases right. Whether it's picking out a career, whether it's picking the school, whatever. When did you really identify maybe a moment in life where you knew that baseball was your thing?
C.C.: Well I got to tell you Freddie, that was really early on. You know coming from Puerto Rico, you know, pops, my dad, was all about it, always. He was a lefty. He liked Ken Griffey you know what I'm saying. Like he was, he was you know back in Puerto Rico like you play. They got men's league, they got softball, like around the you know the areas right there you know little hoods. And my dad used to ball out man. I remember when I was a kid like he just, he could hit. He didn't really grow up you know, grew much more than 5'6'' or whatever. But bro, like like us, they called him Rafael po mado. He looked just like him with the mustache and everything. Shoutout to the short kings. He really introduced me to the game early. I was I want to say, you know I don't remember you know when I was five, but I do remember when I was seven, eight, you know and I kind of knew already going to the games of the professional league games in Puerto Rico were a huge part of my influence into like baseball. Like Santorse, Mayaguez, uh seeing those guys like Beltran, Carlos Beltran play, getting autographs. And that's back in the day you know when Roberto Alomar was playing, Delgado, like that was popping. You know, that was that league was great. All the studs were playing you know. It was cool being a fan and that's really how I got the love for baseball. Then going to the games and being on top of the dugout I became like obsessed with like getting autographs and then watching those players play. So I would say around 9,10 bro I'm like all right I'm gonna do everything I need to do in order to get to the show. That's awesome. And I had you know, I had pops man that he gave me the opportunity to have the resources to really you know fulfill my dream. So shout out to pops man. My family, my mom, my brothers, the family thing.
Freddie: That's great and it's kind of surreal now. You said Santurce, and it's crazy you played in that league.
Miah: Yeah talk about that man. When you were growing up watching those guys play and then you've had, I don't know how many years playing in a couple different teams too.
C.C.: Yeah but like I love the league. I mean I think it's really good. It was like full circle. Like imagine as a little kid like that's where your first love really hits you and then you come it's full circle and you know you come back around and now you're part of it and you can have the same impact on younger kids. I know what that does when I stop by and I just talk to a kid and we just hang out. Hopefully it would do what it did for me, you know what I'm saying like keep me going. You know, with all that comes challenges. I found out at an early age what I wanted to do but bro that was like, it was a blessing and a curse because I focused so much on that, that I forgot being a kid. All I wanted to do was that and I got obsessed with it. So you know, hey we got a visitor. That's the reason why I do it man. I find out like now it's just, it's a lot more. You know there's a lot more out there.
Freddie: So yeah the baseball you know the baseball grind is full of sacrifices. I mean you know I think everybody goes through something some semblance whether it's missing all those birthday parties for your for your classmates in middle school and high school or traveling because you have to go to this tournament or a showcase.
Miah: Yeah I still remember missing graduations up when I transferred to a different school and then my friends were graduating. I couldn't even go because I was going to a tournament in jersey. I was like, damn I feel bad.
C.C.: She got a little cupcake. Lulu, we gotta go in the house real quick okay daddy's talking to his friends. So you know one thing is that I remember I wish I would have taken more, just like have more interest in doing other things and enjoying other things as much as I did baseball. Just because man like I feel I could have been present more. I could have handled things a lot different. I used to just be so locked in into what I wanted to do at 13 years old man, when I turned 20, I was burnt out. I know that feeling man. Yeah man I was just grinding too much. I was doing too much. All I thought about was one thing and I should have learned how to change the oil. I should have learned how to do other things that you know make you, you know give you other interests. It helped because we got to a point where we got to the show and we accomplished a lot of great things. But you know the show is the show and it's going to stop eventually for everybody so then what. You know what I'm saying? You want to be able to, all right what am I good at? What makes Christian? What makes Freddie? What makes Miah happy? Besides what we do. I think we can invest more in what we do when we enjoy like that, you know what I mean.
Freddie: Right, what would you, if you're trying to explain it to somebody like as a point of advice, what would you say looking back, how would you phrase it to somebody?
C.C.: I'm doing it with some kids man I tell you. Even the professional guys too. If you're in high school, man, just be in high school. I know you have a you have a goal. Everybody's got a short term goal of getting to the next phase of your life or your professional career but man let's just lock it in on if you like to, let's say you enjoy building cars, or working on cars, or you enjoy playing another sport or not even, playing an instrument or something. Right yeah like dive into that and get good at that as well you know what I'm saying. Like learn how to be a brother, the best brother you can be. Learn how to be you know the best friend you can be. And it's hard because everything revolves around you know the sport you're playing so I get it. But there's other things man so I try to tell these kids like slow down, slow down. Everybody wants to get from zero to a hundred, already. Everybody wants that exit vehicle over 100 miles an hour off the tee. Yeah man that's what we do right. We have problems sitting in that 15. Man what that 15 look like? What did it feel like? Like feel it. Then you go to 27. Like what that 27 felt like and we forget because it's like zero to 100. That's what society is doing. That's what sports is doing. If you're a player you know and you don't handle, oh well we got to get better, we got to get better, we got to get better, every day looking at what you got to get. Now let's just chill what you do. Yeah like let's look at what you do good and say man I can sit here for a little bit and enjoy and then close that gap when it comes to my weaknesses. But man you gotta you I would say hey enjoy it. Enjoy what you do. Give yourself some credit you know what I'm saying and and just continue, continue to push but it's just the best analogy I have for it is that man. It's like start at zero you want to get to 100 as soon as you can, of course, but there's gotta be times where we pause and we enjoy. Like you guys man. Think about how far you've come and I tell you this all the time. I try to tell you guys. You guys wanna hustle, you guys are always grinding for your fans, for the kids, for people, for your team man you want to do that. But that's okay Saturday or Sunday or somewhere down where you can sit down and think man, yo, like we're living out a dream. We're really doing something. Yeah I appreciate those moments.
Miah: Right and that's why we were so lucky to have you so close to us this year. Where we got to see you so many times and it would break up our normal work, you know, the normal work week. I wouldn't even say work week for us because it doesn't feel like work when we're at Tater but yeah you know we'll get this take an hour and a half, two hour drive and go see C.C. and chill and be normal. Order wings and actually hang out. It was baseball but not baseball at the same time you know.
C.C.: Man I gotta tell you, it's impressive with how you guys um naturally, you guys are gifted man to just be consistent. Be good people especially in this world of baseball. You know how it could be. It could be difficult to have those authentic relationships and so you know I've always appreciated you guys you know being 100 percent you know honest and we always kind of kept that you know that relationship where if something doesn't feel right, we can speak up. But the fact that you drove two hours just to kick it for one night man stuff like that. It just shows man like and this is a brand that I have no doubt, no doubt. It's gonna continue to grow. It's gonna continue to do great things. And any way I can help you know I'm always there and to me man it's about the next generation and I think you guys got the same idea and it's a longevity. We don't want to be one hit wonders.
Miah: And then bringing that baseball culture back like we talked about last episode when we talked about baseball culture and the Kong and what that embodies. I know C.C. plays like that. C.C.'s got the swag.
C.C.: That's the one thing that was like at the beginning. My dad had to rip me and he had to call me back hey son like hey you too flashy out there man. Like scouts are gonna write that down and be like yo he can play but he's just way too flashy. I said Dad if I wanna be in the show I gotta act like I'm in the show right now.
Freddie: You gotta do it. You gotta play the part right.
C.C.: Right you gotta feel that. You gotta really believe that and I think that's being your own you know, I heard this from Rick Ross but it's like that's like being your own boss. Being your true self. Being you. Yeah you don't you don't dictate no you don't let people dictate and we've heard this before, you don't let society, social media, other people dictate the control you got of you and what you want to do what feels right in your gut.
Freddie: Yeah because that outside energy could be detrimental to personal growth right. Like whether it's like you're playing and you gotta hit but you got people chirping in your ear or even your own teammates or guys that you played against or even just you know even for us too it's just like you know we come out with something and people don't you know people don't like it at first because it's so new whatever. But you know at the end of the day this is who we are and this is what we like and this is how we carry ourselves right.
C.C: Hey there's always some competition homie, always. And it's great. Competition brings out the best in us. But I think what the world has done is man is just put people. I miss the days when you go up to someone and you talk to someone like I don't really like that you know. I know you didn't mean it like that and you know I'm sorry and just work it out hey we homies let's go like we're good. But right now it's like you know you send me a message on Instagram and say whatever whatever or you know Twitter it's just like you can hide behind a lot of things. And I just missed the days that you could just you know it brings people closer bro, it does. You know when there's misunderstandings or there's different things that you know on a team, on a team especially. It's a lot of different personalities. A lot of different people and this goes to everybody not just the baseball team but think about a corporation or the team that you got there at Tater.
Freddie: If anything it's an opportunity to bring people closer together right like if there's some beef or,
Miah: Transparency. Everyone being transparent is like just helps out with long term. There's always short term like avoiding things like you avoid things you short term gain, you get it done with it. But then long term that's never going to help you. You played on a lot of teams man, a lot of different guys, like talk about that like what was the transition like when you would go you know get promoted or you would go somewhere else and play and you got a whole new group of guys with you.
C.C.: You know at the professional level you're with those guys in spring training and you kind of know what level you're going to and which level really people are at. So you know it's easier because you do know, but at the same time it's a hard thing if that makes sense because you got to go mold yourself into that team's identity and clubhouse is a huge thing you know. Clubhouse it's got to be running right. But for me I don't know if it's because I moved a lot and I could relate to a lot of people, different people. You know I live in Arkansas bro and Puerto Rico you know Puerto Rico is different.
Miah: It's like the story you told us about the the young buck you were training last year when he started wearing the earring to school. I remember that story.
C.C.: Yeah bro they're just like whoa wait what this is like no, no, but you know it kind of taught me that you know one I can relate to a lot of people man and just because I just don't assume. You know I don't assume. I care about people man like that's my passion is to pour into people.
Freddie: Yeah you have that gift man. If anyone has it, I think you can go into a room and talk to anybody. You can motivate anybody whether you know and really get to know and relate to them which I think that's one of the biggest reasons why we've hit it off so well.
C.C.: I feel like I let god work through me in a way of like you know I want to encourage people. I want to give them compliments. I want to let them know the good things they do, because the world bro this world is about the other part. And I tell you growing up it was since I was seven years old it's like all right you can't do this. You can't run. You don't have a lot of range, you know I'm saying. You got to work on that. You got to get stronger. You got to be on a diet. You know even at the professional level. All right so you had a good season, you hit 300 but your ops was down so you got to drive the ball more. So it's just constantly, all right this is not like, I had a great time, a great season but it's not satisfying anybody. You know what I'm saying. So I focus more on you know what, like let's establish what you do well. Let's work, let's feel good about ourselves and know all right I'm elite at this. This is what I bring to the table. So I can't lose that, that's a non-negotiable you know what I'm saying. And then once you identify who you are and yourself which is a lot of the problem with younger players coming up man they just they don't know who they really are. Like am I a home run hitter, am I a base stealer, am I a run producer, am I a run scorer. So you know we got to help them identify themselves and then all right that's what we do. So there's same thing in a clubhouse man like when you walk in you got to be consistent on who you are from day one. If you're kind of a crazy personality all right as long as you that guy every day we can deal with it. I think what happens is when there's moody people and that happens because I was one of them you know . Moody people you don't know how to really approach or take. So I've learned a lot from that being them myself. It just creates when you pull in for one goal man it just creates, that's what's beautiful about it is so many people you know they don't agree, they don't see the same, they don't always have to agree but they man they go hard for what they want to accomplish. I think you know from a CEO to the you know it's cool to see how a guy, a person in power, whoever it is guy or girl, and it's you know treating the the bottom person with the most respect and servant before leading and that's how a lot of the clubhouses get started man it's like if you look around the league if your best player or your most popular player is to himself and don't say much, and don't interact, y'all ain't gonna win. You guys can put and every all-star on there it's not gonna work.
Miah: Yeah that kind of ties into what I wanted to ask you this because I know a lot of people always ask you about the World Series but was that your favorite baseball memory or is there something else that's out there that you reflect on that's like yeah this is my favorite day that I was playing ball. Whether like you were younger, even last year. Is there something out there?
C.C.: I gotta say I have a few but obviously you know we talk about the World Series that's the finished product of a lot of hard work and a lot of different things and an opportunity that it just came and you know we was ready. But like an actual moment where I'm like wow like a few moments that I had when I looked back and I just like all right I'm enjoying this. When I got drafted. When I got drafted what I did I felt like wow like I didn't accomplish it. A lot of people accomplished it and it was great. I remember my development really took a step forward on the field physically in Utah believe it or not. I lived in Utah for two years and I don't know if it was the competition. I don't know what it was but I took a step you know forward big time in my game and at the time I was doing a lot of you know perfect game showcases and I was you know training and I was really focused and I was working with pops a lot on a lot of different things. And I feel like that right there was one of my favorite times as a baseball player. Just being able to like understand what I was doing with the purpose and applying it too. Like anything I wanted to do, it would come to, you know it would, it would happen. So then it really gave me that like, it gave me that sense of I was imagining you know I was in bed and I had dreams and imagine if I can make this happen. It's actually I can achieve it. I can achieve it because it's happening right now. That's the power of positive thinking man. Visualizing. Yeah visualizing, exactly. That's the word I'm looking for. I started visualizing a lot and then it was panning out and that's a gift from from above man. Like to be able to all right, like I get confident you know just imagine dreaming about a bat that's amazing. It's amazing in your head. It's in your head but it takes so much work to actually put that into fruition and then guess what, it comes to fruition. And it sells everywhere and it's just the biggest thing like you just go back into it like all right like I'm with this. Whatever comes to my head god's putting dreams in my heart that I can achieve.
Freddie: That's a great point. It's that power of positive thinking I think and we've had these conversations like you know everybody gets down a little bit maybe they have a bad game but I think you do a great job of of looking at the positive out of everything, right. A lot of guys, they don't have that ability to do that. They kind of limit themselves with mental weakness in a way.
C.C.: I got to tell you that comes from failing. That comes from feeling down. That comes from a lot of stuff I did wrong. especially mentally man. Like I said like I wish I would have taken my mental game more serious and not just say you know what if you get too mental you too soft. No no no no no no no that's gotta be wrong.
Freddie: We're brought up that way though sometimes that you gotta just you know fight through it I guess.
C.C.: Yeah and there's some fighting through it. There's fighting through it too. I'm not saying we every day you know how it is like, oh well you know it's too cold to go out there man you know, or like whatever. You know like there's things that but it's that balance and we go hard hard hard and then take a step and enjoy. Go hard hard hard and give yourself some credit. Go hard hard hard learn how to be a brother and a sister or a cousin or whatever the best you can be. Go hard hard hard it's like that balance man like that balance is really what I look to like really inject into these players as young players. Like man baseball ain't everything. I tell them all the time, I know you're gonna be sick, you're gonna be nasty at short. You're gonna have psychologists and you're going to get drafted and you're going to have the opportunity in your hands but bro just know there's so much more to life and you need to understand that right now. Not when the game is over and you can't play no more you know because it gives you a sense of urgency too man. So I don't have all the answers. I don't know, I'm just going off of experiences. I see a lot of amazing things in you guys when it comes to this man there's such a balance. You guys take your time and you know a lot of people in your in your shoes I know we just got it in us. The culture, how we are, we just want to boom, boom, boom, let's get it done. Let's get it. I think the fact that you guys are going from zero to 100 and chilling in that 22 enjoying it, that 50 and enjoying it. That 50, hey Miah what that 50 look like. That felt good huh. You remember that. Now we on 99. We taking care for life but you remember that 15, man we really soaked that in, you know.
Freddie: I think people would like to know what was your first experience with Tater? Whether it was, maybe wasn't meeting me or talking to someone, or just picking up the bat. What was your first, that's a that's something I'm curious about now myself. It's a hefty question. Yeah it's kind of loaded but like what was that first experience with Tater?
C.C.: Well obviously it came you know in Pittsburgh and really feeling the bat. But I'm gonna be completely honest man the product I told you was special. I felt like it was cool. I felt like it was worth. Like it was well made. It was detailed. I loved the logo. I loved the name. But then what really caught my attention in my eyes was how non-pushy you guys were. You got you guys weren't pushing product down people's throat. It was more about hey man this is who we are. We enjoy baseball. We love baseball. We love people. We just hey, we just want to see what you think about this. And I respected you guys' hustle man. How you guys got in the ballpark so you guys got to talk about on this on this podcast, MLB might not want to do it, I don't know if I can say anything about that, but man like just the whole, the hustle, the grind of a lifestyle that's not very glamorous because you're making bats for you know and they, the players, are getting all the attention, all the love or whatever. So you're doing this truly out of the like with nothing, expecting nothing. And the fact that it's grown this much and hopefully you know we'll continue to grow it even more for the younger generation. Like that's something that really caught my attention like that. All right these guys are humble, these guys want to work, they know how to work, they don't want a quick buck, you know what I'm saying. So I'm like yo, I'm behind this. I'm behind this because that's what I want to be behind.
Miah: Yeah and you've had it all man. You've had the bats, the first fielding glove that we made. The first legit, legit fielding glove that we made. That was a sexy one and then a bunch of different batting gloves, merch.
C.C.: It's crazy you guys have taken care of me man. I feel so blessed. So I mean you know what the biggest thing is that I didn't have to sign a contract. I didn't have to get none of that, you know, none of the business details and like none of that. It was a mutual respect because we understood early on what we stood for and how we could use each other. You know in a respectful way and build each other up.
Miah: Because there's a lot of value having someone like you being able to be honest with us as well. The same way that we're honest with you about products. Because product development is not easy man.
C.C.: No it's not and you got to be constantly thinking about it. So you can get involved in that and forget to do other things and I mean you guys have done such a good job evolving and evolving and evolving and doing different things and you know the quality of stuff, it just takes time and work and that's what it's about man. It's not just all right I want to put this product out there the nicest I could do and then just what there's no growth and you guys got that mentality man so I enjoyed you know all the stuff that I get from you guys man it's like I always say man it's well made man. It'll last, you know. It looks good. It's number one, looking good. Look good, feel good, play good, right. That's right, that's right. That's it. That's the motto man but you gotta back it up. If not I gotta put you on some payless cleats. You know I really you know, I just like what you guys were about man. It was my first interaction especially too from guys from Puerto Rico you know doing this. You know a Puerto Rican family like getting after it. Changing the face of baseball one day at a time. Yeah showing up, exactly. Showing up for us you know and all the Latin players too. And I love it because when I go around people oh dude you that Tater guy man. You Tater, you Tater this, you Tater that. I'm like man I can't, I can't claim none of this. Like they really do a great job and I've been able to put a few guys on you know that I trust and I like. But you know you guys are, you guys are family with it so man I just, I encourage you guys to keep doing it. Keep doing what you're doing this is going to be an amazing podcast. Continue to you know encourage a younger generation and like I told you the other day man when we were talking it's just like it could be about anything. About life...
Freddie: We'll definitely have you on again for everyone to expand on this conversation.
C.C.: Yeah man let me know. You let me know what, let me know what you guys need anytime I'm available. Shoot me a message. We'll talk. We'll link up. Hopefully we can you know do some around spring training with this you know negotiations going on but...
Freddie: Let's inspire people around the world.
Miah: I appreciate you hopping on this with us. I know there's gonna be another one or another couple ones coming along the way. Whenever that happens we'll make it. We'll make it dope but yeah man it's been a great talk.
C.C.: Let me know. I got a question for you guys though too. Yeah I got a question for you guys that you know the guys might might want to hear. All the fans might want to hear, how does the, so the process of cutting a bat, painting it, and doing everything for one bat, how long is the process?
Freddie: Man for a good bat I mean you know we could make a bat in a day. I'm talking about the quality stuff. So the bats that we make on a daily basis they take about two to three weeks to make. Start to finish probably have six to seven people touch the bat on multiple occasions for quality control measures between cutting it, weighing it, sanding it, making the bat harder at the barrel, you know, painting it, putting the color on, checking again making sure it stays on weight.
Miah: Yeah it's a loaded process man because it's not, like you know you know how it is but it's not more than, it's so much more than just cutting a bat from a piece of wood, right. You gotta you get a bunch of wood come in. They come in on big skids, 350 pieces at a rip. But you got to let that wood sit for a little bit. You got to let it stabilize because if not you know that has to adjust to the climate that it's in or that bat's not going to perform at its peak so that's that's the first two or three days right there.
Freddie: Right and the painting process alone is about five or six days you know we don't use cheap paint that dries in an hour. You know we have paint that has to sit and cure and harden and make sure that it has the hardest exterior that it has to withstand the demands of hitting a ball at 95 miles an hour.
C.C.: So really we're talking because you know I get a lot of questions from kids and the younger you know generation they want things immediately you know and I always say you know do you want something that's going to break right away, but you got it quick or do you want something that was well made, thought out, put heart, heart and sweat into it, and it might break still. Yeah, yeah of course it might break, I'm not saying it might last longer but wouldn't you want to have that vibe in your hands or that vibe in you. Wouldn't you want to see where it comes from you know what it is, how long it takes, like the process. And they're like oh man I didn't think about it like that. Yeah well it's not like you guys have 35 employees getting after this bat you know what I'm saying.
Freddie: It's really just me, my brother, my dad, and we have a handful of other guys that really help us on it. I think about four or five guys on it that come in you know throughout the week, a couple days a week.
C.C.: They love doing it. They love who you are man they know what you guys stand for. So I think it's a good thing for guys to remember man, kids and everybody like man it's a process. It takes time and people really do care about what you put in your hands, you know. Some people. Let me say that, not everybody because we can treat you like Walmart just start pushing our numbers or we can treat you like elite elite elite and you get the good stuff. But one thing that you helped me with you guys both was understanding hey it's not about having 57 bats bro. It's about ordering three, four bats at a time. And I thought that was like we always work saying what oh well you know what we don't want to take a thousand ground balls if we're not going to do it right. We want to take you know just a few ground balls the right way and then that's good well man what about what about our product. What about our product you know I don't care if it's well made and it looks sharp. Hey that's it, that's it man. It gives you that confidence bro. That mentality It's a mentality like this is elite. Not everybody's gonna get this. You know this brand is an elite thing because it's well done and it takes time to do something that's worth it.
Freddie: I think you hit the nail right on the head and I think let's leave it at that so the folks can you know, let's give them enough for today and then we have you come on a couple more times because I know we have a ton of stuff to talk about.
C.C: Hey I'm in, next week.
Freddie: Comment below what you want to you want to ask C.C. for the next podcast.
C.C.: Let's do it man, give me whatever. We talk about anything.
Miah: We'll put up an IG story. We'll put up comments on YouTube whatever people want to ask C.C. let's get it going because this guy is full of knowledge, full of experiences, take full advantage of having him with us on the team man because he's a real special guy.
Freddie: And there's no better person and we appreciate you having you on and now I'll give the folks a little shout out that people who are listening on, you know that we don't run ads or anything like that we do this out of the goodness of our hearts that we want to provide people with good quality content. If you felt like you learned from this. If it has inspired you, share it to somebody else that may want to hear it that need it. You know it could be a teammate, a parent, a coach, a you know anybody, or your brother, your sister, doesn't matter who. Just share it because we want to produce this on a recurring basis and give you guys that inspiration you may need to get through the trials and tribulations of the baseball grind or just the lifestyle stuff.
C.C: Oh yeah man lifestyle yeah we can hit all kinds of points from that. So yeah shout out to Tater family. Kong life. Hey I love you guys man and shout out to pops too, your dad and everybody man. I can't wait to see you guys in person hopefully soon and man let's just, let's make it happen. Let's give these people what the, you know all the questions they got, we're here.
Miah: Let's go. Peace out Tater Gang.